
  • Essay / Henrietta Lacks Families Website - 824

    Henrietta Lacks Families WebsiteThe goal of my research paper is to inform readers who Mrs. Lacks was and the injustice that happened to her and to prove that she deserves recognition. In order to fully understand my subject, you need to know who Mrs. Lacks was. For this reason, I use the official website of The Lacks Family which presents it. This will help me present the topic in my research paper. The source provides Ms. Lacks with background information to help her direct the topic. Explains that she was from rural southern Virginia and lived in Maryland. She was admitted to John Hopkins Hospital due to abdominal pain and vaginal discharge. She soon died of cervical cancer in 1951. The source looks at the injustice that was done to Mrs. Lacks and says that not all Henrietta Lacks died that day . Without knowing it, she left behind a part of her that still lives today: the HeLa cell. His cells were taken and used for medical research without his consent. And for more than 20 years after her death, Henrietta's family learned about how science had recovered her cells and her enormous contribution to medicine and human life. The website here shows that after his death his cells were studied for medical research and his family was studied. I only became aware of it after twenty years. The cells were given the name HeLa cells in recognition by combining her first name Henrietta and her last name Lacks. The following part may help me prove that Mrs. Lacks deserves to be recognized for her contributions and that her family deserves some sort of profit because the source says, "Even though Henrietta's cells started a multi-million industry dollars that sells human biological material, the family never saw any of the profits or that It...... middle of paper......lood" and that the shot was "therapeutic" , curing the disease However, the spinal cap was actually used to detect a brain-related infection. The source also states: "Tuskegee scientists wanted to continue studying how the disease spreads and kills. The experiment lasted four decades. , until public health officials leaked the story to the media.” The quote fits Ms. Lacks because her family was not aware and the men were not aware of the experience either. The Lacks family and Rebecca Skloot who wrote the book about her made Mrs. Lack's story go viral and for African American men, the media, with the help of health care workers, made the story go viral. The men also received funeral insurance for their participation, but the Lacks family cannot even afford health insurance or has seen any profit from Mrs. Lacks' contribution to the medical and scientific world..