
  • Essay / A reflection of the high school soup kitchen program

    During breaks, the children played and talked together. Fortunately, we were assigned to the older children, so they needed little supervision; little children from other groups were playing around the place. However, the soup kitchen program also had dysfunctional consequences. Although the parish aims to help the families of poor children by feeding them every Saturday through the soup kitchen, their parents might tend to develop too much begging and dependence on the parish. Additionally, dysfunctional consequences could occur in children. When interacting and playing, some children, especially younger ones, tend to get easily irritated and “fight” with other children. A social conflict analysis of the soup kitchen program highlights that the role of people in the program reflects each person's social status. Those who volunteer by helping with the program clearly have a relatively higher social status than program participants or beneficiaries. The social status of children is manifested by their general appearance and the level of education they