
  • Essay / Human Relations-Frankenstein - 1907

    Frankenstein by Mary Shelly is a book about the importance of human relationships and treating everyone with dignity and respect. The main character of the book is Victor Frankenstein, a highly intelligent man eager to create life in another being. After completing his creation, he is horrified to discover that what he has created is a monster. The monster is the ugliest and most disgusting creature he has ever seen. Victor being disgusted by his creation allows the monster to escape and find himself alone in the world. Throughout Frankenstein, Mary Shelley uses the theme of human relationships to illustrate the connection that man has with other beings and the need for love and affection. The importance of human relationships is demonstrated throughout the book in several ways. Victor's mother said to him: "I have a nice gift for my Victor, he will get it tomorrow" (18). Victor is very happy to have such a precious gift that will always belong to him. They become very close and consider each other cousins. However, there is a deeper relationship between the two, and Victor vows to always protect and care for the girl named Elizabeth. Mary Shelley uses this quote to explain how Elizabeth is special to Victor and that she is a gift to him. Victor’s mother reinforces this further when she says to Victor and Elizabeth: “My children, my greatest hopes for future happiness rested on the prospect of your union. This expectation will now be your father's consolation. Elizabeth, my love, you must provide my place for my youngest children. Alas! I regret having been taken from you; and, as happy and loved as I have been, is it not difficult to leave you all? But these are not thoughts that suit me; I will strive to resign...... middle of paper ...... seeking help and strength to resolve the problems in their lives. Victor Frankenstein is a man whose family is loving and caring. Family and friends play an important place in his life. He has his whole life ahead of him when he creates his monster. He creates the monster in the image of man with the same need for love and affection as man. Although it is his creation, he abandons the monster and does not care about him. The monster begins to feel neglected and alone and desperately wants a human relationship. The monster gets angry and takes revenge because he is so sad and abandoned. He wants Victor to feel what he feels, all by himself. The monster succeeds and Victor ends up losing everything important in his life and hers. Ultimately, the monster dies and the need for human relationships becomes destruction for both the monster and Victor..