
  • Essay / Romeo and Juliet: A True Tragedy - 2246

    A tragedy imitates the emotional events of life by showing them instead of telling them. It does not have to be an exact reproduction of life, but rather it should have some realistic aspects. This type of game is special because an event in the plot is caused by a prior choice or action made by the character. Therefore, unlike a story where events are caused by coincidences, a tragedy must feature events that are inevitably linked to each other due to the characters' choices. Therefore, this idea of ​​cause and effect must drive the plot of the play until the protagonists meet an unhappy end. Thus, the audience watching the tragedy will feel fear and pity for the characters since their actions will lead to their dramatic downfall. Similarly, William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet conveys these fundamental ideas, but it mainly emphasizes certain tragic concepts. These components, explained by Aristotle, certainly make this play a quintessence of tragedy. They support the chain of events in Romeo and Juliet by using character traits and major events to connect the plot and illustrate how the characters create their own endings. For this reason, Romeo and Juliet is a true tragedy due to the use of significant and tragic elements; tragically flawed protagonists; and an inevitable destiny. Throughout the play, many highlighted tragic elements are used to show how Romeo and Juliet's lives are dramatically transformed into tragedy. An important element is anagnorisis: the moment when a main character finally realizes that one of their decisions has gone too far, but they are unable to do anything about it. For example, when Romeo kills Tybalt out of sheer horror, he regretfully responds, "Oh, I'm a fool of fortune!" " (III, ...... middle of paper ...... which might be present in daily life. Therefore, Romeo and Juliet may have fictional elements, but they still have the ability to imitate the life, as explained by Aristotle. Works Cited Kerschen, Lois. “Critical Essay on Romeo and Juliet” Drama for Students Vol. Tragedy in POETICS” CLS267: Greek Tragedy. ://>.Moulton, Richard. Pathos: The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Drama for Students. Vol. 21. Ed. Anne Hacht. Detroit: Gale, 2005. 271-273. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Timeless Voices, Ed Kate Kinsella, et al.., 2002. 770-874.