
  • Essay / Brave New World Plot Analysis - 970

    Brave New World is a novel with a very unconventional plot structure, containing multiple plot structures within a single work. Because Aldous Huxley expresses many complex ideas in the play, form initially appears to follow function when it comes to standard plot structure. However, as the play develops, it is clear that the variety of plots Huxley employs is intentional. The episodic feel of rising and falling action repeated throughout the work, the parallel nature of Bernard, Lenina and John's presence in the novel and the deliberate and effective use of subplots are joined by characters and common themes to create this a complete work. The seemingly scattered set of plot structures together create an effective progressive plot that builds toward a singular climax and unites the work with a central conflict. Huxley uses a progressive plot to develop his theme of scientific progress and its impact on humanity, as well as to illustrate the conflict between humans and society using the dystopia he creates. Equally important is the sequencing and configuration of events in this work. like the action itself; the strange form that this progressive plot takes contributes to the idea of ​​a dystopian society. Initially, this novel does not seem to fit into the structure of a progressive plot because of the way Huxley uses other types of plot. However, once the protagonist is introduced, it is clear that the other forms of plot contribute to a progressive structure. The exhibition takes the form of the director explaining the process of creating people in the new world – a system that highlights the horror of scientific interference with nature and provides insight into the background of dyst ...... middle of paper .. ....the complexities of the work and society that it details without complete disorder. The plot of this book is structured chaos that allows the reader to directly confront the societal mores and flaws of a dystopian society sustained by control, uniformity, sex, and drugs. Through this novel, the reader is able not only to denounce the supreme control of government and see the terrible implications of scientific and technological intervention in the process of human development, but he is also able to identify with the character of John and understand that all emotions are important and fully appreciate the value of meaningful human relationships. The plot develops the theme of dissent in a uniform, controlled society fueled by drugs and sex and inspires the enduring message that people must take an active part in the advancement of the world without losing touch with values fundamental..