
  • Essay / The Bitten Apple: Symbolism and Nature of Sin in...

    Since the apple was first bitten at the beginning of time, sin has played an important role in the formation of humanity. The reactions of sinners often play an important role in the effects of crime. Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter captures the nature of sin and the message that revealed sin is rewarded while hidden sin is punished, using young Pearl, the scaffold, and the Scarlet A itself as three clear symbols for explore this dark side of humanity. a representation of the dark and savage nature of sin. This is shown in her many descriptions, where she is referred to as an elf child, a nymph, and a sprite. She is continually referred to as an otherworldly creature, leading to significant repetition that cements this fact. This quality ensures that she is separate from the Puritan community. Poor Pearl never has a friend and passes time with fake weed haters, and even her own reflection, as a substitute for human companionship. "...except as Pearl, in the dearth of human playmates... The singularity lay in the hostile feelings with which the child regarded all these descendants of her own heart and mind. She did not never created a friend, but always seemed to sow dragon's teeth, from which arose a harvest of enemies against whom she rushed into battle (Page 87) She further reveals herself to be separated from society by ignoring social rules. base and commits acts such as dancing on graves and shouting and throwing mud at her Puritan antagonists. This abyss is clearly the result of her father's hidden sin, as while remaining unrecognized, she fails to act. he assimilate into the community. Pearl also represents a physical manifestation of her parent's sin. The novel describes the child's "whole appearance...... middle of paper......ester also begins to define. the meaning of the letter, and tirelessly takes care of the sick in the community. The people then declare that the letter has taken the meaning of “Capable”. Although the title letter is extremely central to her character, Hester is not the only character to suffer the effects of a scarlet letter. The "A" burned on Dimmesdale's chest has very significant effects on his life. He flagellates himself in an attempt to rid himself of the all-consuming guilt of a hidden sin, and his bruised chest shows the result of such a guilty heart. What did a bite of apple mean for humanity? Pearl's struggles, the three major events on the scaffold, and the scarlet letter are three symbolic representations of the nature of sin and the motive for sin hidden and revealed in the novel, and can be seen as lessons for all dark nature . of sin.