
  • Essay / The Abortion Debate - 1957

    The Abortion DebateAbortion is a form of murder and devalues ​​the value of human life. Other methods of contraception are readily available; thus, abortion should not be a form of birth control. The societal contributions of a potentially valuable human being are wiped out. Women who have an abortion often suffer major psychological damage from the experience, as does, in some cases, the father of the child. .Advances in genetic testing could encourage more abortions (to avoid having a non-ideal child). Many couples spend years on waiting lists trying to adopt a child. The decision to abort is often made by minors or young adults, who do not have the maturity and life experience necessary to make good decisions. People have the right not to have their tax dollars used for something they find immoral. Abortion is against the Hippocratic oath of doctors. The government can control a woman's body. "Abortions would increase if they were made illegal, leading to an increased risk of death or infertility among young women. It is arguably better for society to abort babies than to leave them to be raised in poverty and in neglect, where not only the child will suffer, but also society when that child develops a greater attraction to crime, welfare, etc. A brief mistake can rob a woman of her childhood and trap her. Giving up a child for adoption can be just as emotionally damaging as having an abortion. Abortion is not murder because it is performed before the fetus becomes a person. human. No problem arouses so much passion and hatred towards the other side All court decisions concern...... middle of paper ...... and go through the experience of delivery. Giving up this child for adoption might be the only reasonable option for a girl who is too immature or too poor to raise a child. However, the woman must now live with the feeling of abandoning her child for the rest of her life. Why do you think so many adoptive parents seek out their children when they grow up? There is no doubt that some women suffer psychological damage following an abortion; however, the damage caused by giving up a child for adoption is much worse. Abortion is not murder because it is performed before the fetus becomes a human person. A fetus only becomes a real human being when it physically leaves its mother's womb. If you define the fetus as a human being, are you going to go back and say that a sperm or an egg is a human being? Should we ban birth control altogether, since we would be killing a "human being"? »"?