
  • Essay / The Impact of Rediscovery in George Orwell's Filming of an Elephant

    How did your prescribed text and at least ONE other related text of your choice present the impact of rediscovery? An emotionally confronting and provocative discovery serves as a catalyst for an individual to be rediscovered. This catalyst can lead an individual to introspection, which leads to the reevaluation of lost or forgotten memories and experiences. Shakespeare's "The Tempest" explores how the protagonist Prospero reignites his desire for revenge by speaking about his past and takes him on a journey of discovery of the values ​​of compassion and (virtuous) reconciliation. George Orwell's "Shooting an Elephant" represents new perspectives on familiar identity, even in the face of conflicting and controlling cultural forces. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why violent video games should not be banned”? Get an original essay A discovery of new ways of thinking about politics, morality and society reflects the importance of values ​​such as investigation, humility, compassion and reconciliation. Shakespeare was writing in a time of new discoveries and uncertainties: challenges to traditional ways of thinking through the rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman literature, philosophy, and fascination with the human body and mind. It also authentically connects to the age of exploration and Montaigne's "noble savage" through the sea voyage and Caliban, respectively. Shakespeare extols the humanistic virtue of “philanthropy” – love of humanity. His villains are always individualists, motivated primarily by selfishness. This is also seen through Prospero who embodies Christian humanist thought of the Renaissance: “Yet with my noblest reason I take 'against my fury.' This influences the discoveries made in the play by most of them, in a way that transforms each character. The Tempest is a hybrid blend of revenge tragedy, comedy and romance, which reflects the complexity of the human condition, and the five acts are transformed into rediscovery (I), new and provocative discoveries from different perspectives (II), discoveries stimulating (III). ), journey towards self-discovery (IV), self-discovery and transformation (V). However, there is no closure as Prospero admits he must remember not to succumb to his passions, Antonio is unrepentant and Caliban is dubiously chastened and contrite - "I will be wise hereafter/and I will seek the grace". a sudden or unexpected event can lead to a process of discovery. This process acts as a catalyst for an assessment of the impact of change, leading to new discoveries. “Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell explores the concept of rediscovery by giving the character a cataclysmic experience. The discovery made is confronting and directly reflects the writer's past. Shooting an Elephant was published in 1936, but was influenced by Orwell's period as a policeman in Burma. Given that Orwell lived and worked in Burma, the text can be seen as a direct representation of his interpretation of Burmese society. Important discoveries are made in this text through the character undergoing internal deliberation, which Orwell represented this discovery through visual images. “The only thought in my mind was that if something went wrong, these two thousand Burmese people would see me chased.” When confronted with an emotionally provocative problem, he attributes a form of discovery. Shakespeare explores this in The Tempest, through Prospero's rediscovery of humanity. This rediscovery..