
  • Essay / The importance of marriage in societies around the world and the issues surrounding arranged marriages

    According to Myers: “Marriage is an important institution in almost every society in the world. In the United States, for example, more than 90% of people choose to get married at some point in their lives. The results of many studies suggest that people tend to be both healthier and happier when they are married. » But I don't think this is true in the case of arranged marriages. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Arranged marriages are planned and agreed to by the families or guardians of the bride and groom, who have little or no say in the matter. This has been happening historically for a very long time. It is most commonly found in South Asian countries such as Pakistan, India and Nepal (Zaidi, 499). According to Yeoh: “Globalization and increased mobility have increased cross-border transactions not only in the economic sphere, but also have a major impact on intimate human relationships. This is seen in the growing volume of differently mediated forms of international marriage, not only straddling “East” and “West”, but also within Asia and between different ethnicities and nationalities. International marriage raises a host of social issues for countries of origin and destination, including challenges related to the citizenship status and rights of the married migrant. » One of the main reasons why families do this, because selling their daughters is very beneficial. The family receives large sums of money from the groom's side in exchange for a woman to marry. These payments can generally affect the well-being of women and the distribution of wealth in society. The recently completed estimates contained records of marriage remittances equivalent to six times the annual income in South Asia. This provides a significant incentive for parents to sell their daughter (Anderson, 151). Some may find these actions harmless, but that is far from the truth. Most Pakistani women would prefer not to have an arranged marriage. They claimed that they would much rather fall in love and get married (Zaidi, 506). This is a global problem that needs to be done. Gorney (2011) noted that “child marriage spans continents, languages, religions and castes. In India, girls are generally attached to boys four or five years older; In Yemen, Afghanistan and other countries with high rates of child marriage, husbands may be young men, widowers or middle-aged kidnappers who first rape and then claim their victims as wives, as is the case in some regions of Ethiopia. Some of these marriages are commercial transactions, barely accompanied by additional justifications: a debt settled in exchange for a wife of 8 years; a family feud resolved by the birth of a 12-year-old virginal cousin. These, when they appear publicly, constitute a source of clear and indignant information at a great distance.” (p.2)Before the last century, the selection of bride and groom was tightly controlled by parents for Lebanese Muslims. Children as young as five years old were forced to marry the person their parents chose for them. Today, arranged marriages are just as controlled as before. The main reason for this is that parents realize that the marriage will go more smoothly if the child has a say in choosing his bride. Marriage will have a higher success rate if the child has a choice. However,some families remain strict with their children with whom they can marry (Nasser, 387-388). The average engagement length for these marriages is between 1 and 4 years. This is due to social, financial and gender reasons. In the past, women relied on men to provide for their needs, but nowadays, this is not always the case. Women are seeking educational opportunities and becoming more independent. This allows the couple to somewhat escape the needs of their family. Men and women study abroad and increase their chances of being able to make their own decisions and gain more freedom (Nasser, 387-388). Lebanese people generally organize weddings for more practical and non-religious reasons. Parents want marriages to stay within the family. According to the Quran in Women 23, there are certain women in the family whom one cannot marry. The exact statement states: “It is forbidden for you (for marriage): your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your brother sisters, your mother sisters, your brother daughters, your sister daughters, your adoptive mother who breastfed you, from your foster family. lactating sister, your mother-wives, your daughters-in-law under your guardianship, born of your wives to whom you went, but there is no sin on you if you did not go. The man will sometimes even ask his parents to find him a wife in certain cases (Nasser, 387-388). In Elizabethan times, it was not uncommon for upper-class parents to arrange marriages for their children. They did this to ensure that they would maintain their economic status in the region. Getting married outside of school was considered very bad. They also wanted to keep their lineage strong, so they often married within the family. Generally, the bride's parents would offer their daughter to the son of a family of the same wealth and prestige. Many of these practices still exist today. In the case of royalty, this is almost required (LarsonJewlers, 2015). This idea has also been used in many Indian societies. Previously, in India, arranged marriage was seen as a way to promote a caste system. It was used to maintain the unity of the upper castes and protect the community by preserving its social status. Thus, parents would marry their children into the same caste and similar social origin. This practice was also used with lower castes. Even today, rituals and customs vary depending on the caste you belong to (, 2015). According to a study done on Indians who were in arranged marriages and Americans who were not, the results concluded that they both shared roughly an equal amount of happiness. Indeed, being married, they experienced so many things together that brought them closer. However, the beginning of the marriage was rather awkward for most (Madathil, 227-228). There are many reasons why arranged marriages should be banned. I think the main problem that bothers me is that so many parents can simply sell their children for profit. I myself believe in true love. This should be the only reason to get married. I find it quite disturbing that parents encourage situations where their child is simply sold to a stranger who could do anything to them. Payments for weddings come in many shapes and sizes, but can be categorized into two groups. First, money is transferred from the bride's family to the bride and groom, which is called dowry. Or from the grooms side to the brides family, starting price. The bride price is present in two thirdscompanies. Dowry generally only exists in less than four percent. (Anderson, 152). The effect of arranged marriages on young girls: Responsibility Unwanted babies Maltreatment No education Happiness disappears from their lives. There are several other things that women in arranged marriages have to sacrifice during marriage. Usually, once married, she takes on several responsibilities. The husband is generally demanding. She has to meet his needs, including cooking for him, cleaning, and often she is forced to have sex with him. One of the reasons parents want to have a wedding is to be able to have grandchildren quickly. Very often the husband demands a lot from the children. These girls take on the role of mother very early on, and sometimes it's not what they wanted. Women probably don't have much say in these cases. They are controlled in a certain sense. They must be obedient to their husbands. If they disobey, there will always be some sort of punishment. This can be verbal or physical depending on the case. Women feel hopeless. What can they do at this point, everything has been decided for them and they have to fulfill their family's wishes. Women will most likely lose the opportunity to continue their education. Since they will be having children and running a household, there is little time left to complete a degree. Many women aspire to enrich their knowledge but lose. Generally, a woman prefers to obtain a degree before getting married, but this does not happen in arranged marriages. There are, however, cases where she and her husband attend the same university. Very often, these girls are still children. They lose their innocence and their childhood too quickly with arranged marriages. These girls should be out playing and having fun with friends, but instead they are having babies and being women. Another negative connotation of arranged marriages is that they are driven by a certain racist factor. Many families want their children to stick to one breed. Dating is not acceptable for Muslims and that is why many stay the same race when they marry. This does not strengthen globalization at all. We also need people to mix. We need people to leave their countries and enter others as well. Racial factors should play no role in deciding who you can or cannot marry. It should be based solely on love. Judgments about other cultures can sometimes be completely inaccurate, but parents are stuck in their one way of thinking. Some people argue that a positive aspect of arranged marriages is that parents have complete control over who enters the family. It is said that parents would choose a good partner for their child. I don't agree with this because the child should have the choice of who to marry. Why should parents decide this? The parent does not have to live with this person. Additionally, how can the parent be sure that this person will be a good partner? Someone can easily pretend to be something they are not, and then change once the marriage takes place. This idea is absolutely absurd.ConclusionIn conclusion, I believe that arranged marriages are a prehistoric concept. As a world we are progressing and do not need practices like this. In a way, I can understand why some people like this idea, but the reality is completely different. These marriages have many more negative consequences than advantages. Girls should never be used as a.