
  • Essay / Essay on the Mayans and the Aztecs - 846

    “This is our Sun, the one in which we currently live. And this is its sign, how the Sun fell into the fire, into the divine hearth... And as the ancients continue to say, under the Sun there will be earthquakes and hunger, and then our end will come. » - quoted in Seeds of Change (Alto). The Mayans and Aztecs are different in agriculture and religion, but similar in calendar. The Mayans had very different farming methods than the Aztecs. Early Mayan agriculture began around 11,000 BC. Early Aztec agriculture began around 5,000 BC. The Mayans used the cutting method, but the Aztecs used chinampas. The Mayans had different agricultural techniques such as slash-and-burn cultivation, terracing and composting. Methods used by land-dependent farmers. They also farmed animals, made their own fertilizers, fished, had allotments, and finally practiced slash-and-burn agriculture. The Mayans are known for their controversial agricultural methods known as "slash and burn." The first method of slash-and-burn cultivation involves felling trees and shrubs in heavily forested areas. The area is then burned to create fields for crops. They used axes to cut down large trees. The Mayans used wooden digging sticks. For many years, the Mayans have been under surveillance because of their slash-and-burn cultivation methods. Modern Mayan descendants still employ these methods. During this time, the Aztecs used canals in their agriculture to simply provide water to dry areas. They did not use any animals in Aztec agriculture. Instead, people used pointed sticks to make holes for the seeds. Later, the Aztecs became more popular because of the chinampas system used by farmers. Small rectangle-shaped areas of fertile arable land were used to grow crops. These chinampas were artificial islands or floating gardens that ...... middle of paper ...... served to define the best ways to plant, harvest, build or wage war. The other calendar which was called “Counting the Years” was sacred. The Mayans had three calendars: the Tun-Uc, the Haab and the Tzolk'in. The first “Tun-Uc” followed the cycle of the moon. Another was Haab who used it for plantings, harvests and other events. And finally the last calendar called “Tzolk’in”, it was a sacred calendar. Each calendar had something different and similar. The Aztecs and Mayans have many different agricultural methods, they have a different religion but they have similar calendars. Even though their gods are slightly different, they created their own ritual calendars, which made them believe in different events. Everything the Aztecs and Mayans did was in some way religious. They were born and believed, and they also died with beliefs.