
  • Essay / Instruments for Classroom Observations - 727

    Instruments for Classroom ObservationsOverviewIt is not difficult to define what an observation is, but when applied to a classroom, many different opinions on styles, instruments, quality, quantity, etc. In the field of education, it is a mention of observations referring to a technique consisting of observing a phenomenon, a fact or an event, taking information and recording it for later analysis, which is a fundamental element of any classroom research process; because it relies on an investigator to obtain the largest amount of data possible (Glickman, et al., 2014). In terms of the structure of the observation, it is important to decide beforehand whether it will be a structured work and, therefore, whether it will use, where appropriate, technological instruments, or whether it will be carried out freely (Cushion, et al., 2012). Districts are moving to a more technological basis for obtaining data to help teachers with feedback. Other districts use paper format, where the observer carries it around and enters all the information obtained into a computer to formulate data. In Texas, it is a Professional Development and Assessment System (PDAS) that is used to evaluate teachers and walkthroughs. Based on this system, eight areas are assessed in formal observation, but in a step-by-step procedure, four of them are assessed. The following instrument was created as an easy-to-use tool for the observer and incorporates the expectations that the Education Agency requires administrators to use when conducting tours in Texas (TEA, 2005). Classroom observation instrument Teacher: observed by: Classroom information: Observation date: Start time: End time: ______________________________________________________________________ middle of document ......the coach analysis and intervention system (CAIS): Establish the validity and reliability of a computerized systematic observation instrument. Journal Of Sports Sciences, 30(2), 201-216. Snyder, P.A., Hemmeter, M., Fox, L., Bishop, C., & Miller, M. (2013). Develop and gather psychometric evidence for a fidelity instrument: the educational pyramid observation tool – pilot version. Journal of Early Intervention, 35(2), 150-172. doi:10.1177/1053815113516794Stearns, L.M., Morgan, J., Capraro, M., & Capraro, R.M. (2012). A teacher observation instrument for classroom PBL teaching. Journal Of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, 13(3), 7-16.Texas Education Agency (2005). Professional Development and Assessment System (PDAS) Teacher's Manual: Introductory information. Retrieved May 18, 2014. From