
  • Essay / My Journey Through MCC - 1853

    As I get closer and closer to graduating, I am beginning to see the light at the end of a tunnel from my time here at Manchester Community College. I'm starting to think about everything I've learned here on my four-year journey. I realized that I have grown so much since high school and become the man I have become in front of you today. My four years were marked by their share of obstacles that I had to overcome to obtain my diploma. But I have overcome obstacles and fought against adversity since I was born. I was born with an umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, which restricted my breathing from the start when I was a baby. At first, they thought the situation would be worse than what it has become. I ended up later being diagnosed with Asperger's and ADHD. Asperger's is a form of high-functioning autism. The signs and symptoms are less severe than those of other forms of autism. In fact, a person with Asperger's syndrome usually has an average or above average IQ. A person with Asperger's syndrome also has motor delays. An example of this is that I didn't learn to walk or talk until I was four, and I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 10. Another symptom of Asperger's syndrome is that I have difficulty interacting and socializing with others. Sometimes I don't know how to read people's emotions and signals. I have gotten better over the years because of all the friends I have made here at MCC. Another symptom of Asperger's syndrome is obsessive interest in something. For me, it was sports and the Red Sox. I also have ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which sometimes affects my ability to concentrate. I can get distracted easily, making it difficult to concentrate on an assignment or reading for a long period of time. I take medication to help with my ADH...... middle of paper ...... first school years of my life I won't forget. I have many excellent teachers, who have become mentors to me. I have met many good friends during my time here at MCC, who I will not forget. I believe that my time and journey at Manchester Community College has prepared me and given me the tools to succeed in the future and given me a good foundation and system to work with when I start working on my bachelor's degree in communications at Central. It hasn't hit me yet, I've graduated, it probably won't until I get ready to walk across the band stage on May 29th. MCC helped me chart my path to the next stage of my life. All thanks to the teachers and friends I made in four years. I can't believe my time is over at MCC. As MCC has truly become my second home, I am sad that my journey is over..