
  • Essay / The Spread of Islam in Arabia - 1782

    There are several historical reasons for the astonishing spread of Islam across Arabia and beyond after the death of Muhammad in 632 AD. These factors depended primarily on the degree of dominance of the Islamic ruler, empire or dynasty. Although the religious sincerity and zeal of Islamic powers varied greatly, it was necessary to reflect the past religious belief of Muslims to stabilize the Islamic world within. The manner in which Islam spread was due to the ingenuity of the Islamic powers and the steady reliance of the Islamic rulers on the religious principles established by the Prophet as well as the early caliphs. The spread of Islam would not have happened without the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam. Islamic religion, which managed to gain support for its spiritual and political status in Arabia by the beginning of the 7th century. After receiving divine revelations from God Allah, Muhammad slowly acquired a small number of followers and eventually some families converted to Islam; However, not everyone was convinced by his messages. This was especially true for the pagan rulers of his Qurash tribe in Mecca. A series of conflicts between the Qurash and the Muslims began in 630, when the Qurash broke an earlier peace treaty that had been concluded. This led Muhammad to move Mecca with his men and take the city without killing or harming anyone. He then destroyed the idols around the Kabah and rededicated it to God. Opposition and resulting persecution from the pagan rulers of the Qurash tribe in Mecca caused early Muslims to settle in Yathrib, which seemed to actually benefit them. By the time of Muhammad's death in 632, as Karen Armstrong, a British author of numerous works on comparative religions, explains, "almost all ...... middle of paper ...... from time to time , the Islamic faith would always seem to be revitalized, leading to the creation of empires and the quote from IslamicWorksArmstrong, Karen. Islam: a brief history. Newyork: Modern Library, 2000. Print.Ezzati, Abul-Fazl. The Spread of Islam: Contributing Factors. London: ICAS Press; 4th edition, 2002. Web. Gabrieli, Francesco. Mohammed and the conquests of Islam. London: McGraw-Hill, 1968. Web.Mohammad, Noor. “The Doctrine of Jihad: An Introduction”. Journal of Law and Religion 3.2 (1985): 381-397. JSTOR.Web.Rahman, HU A Timeline of Islamic History: 570-1000 CE London: Ta-Ha, 1989. Web.Sonn, Tamara. A Brief History of Islam. Oxford Wiley, 2004. Print. Zarkadoulia, Effie A. Samonis and George. Falagas, Matthew E. "Arabic Science in the Golden Age (750-1258 CE) and Today." The FASEB Journal 20.10 (2006): 1581-1586. FASEB J. Web