
  • Essay / Challenges Faced by Robert Frost According to His Poems

    Robert Frost was one of the greatest poets, if not the greatest poet of all time, but his life was not always easy; he had to face many struggles. After graduating from Harvard, Frost became a school teacher with a salary of only $500 a year. The poem “Once by the Pacific” was written in 1928 by Robert Lee Frost (“Robert Frost: Poems Summary”). Frost was born in 1874 and died in 1963. Frost had five children, all of whom died young before the age of twenty ("Biography of Robert Frost"). Frost spent forty years in the unknown until he sold his first poem in 1984 to a New York newspaper. Even through terrifying events, Frost managed to write exceptional poems about his life that ended up benefiting him in the long run. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essayRobert Frost channeled his stressful life into great poems. The following line is an example: “Great waves looked at others arriving” (Frost 2). This phrase shows how water is a force to be reckoned with or a force to be feared. As a child, Frost was left alone at the beach several times, once during a storm. He claims that it was a traumatic event that helped him write the poem "Once by The Pacific" ("Analysis of Robert Frost"). Another example would be “And the idea of ​​doing something on the shore” (Frost 3). He uses his fear of the ocean to write this beautiful poem which shows an emotion that perhaps would not have been as vivid if he had not had this experience. This is an example of his ability to overcome terrible events and use them to help him. Frost not only wrote about the events he heard about, he lived them. Few poets can claim they can do this. Frost was well recognized for several specific reasons in showing his mood, tone, and theme. Two good lines that show the theme are here: “There would be more than broken ocean water/Before God's last extinction was pronounced, light” (Frost 13-14). The theme of the poem is fear and strength. His goal with this poem was to turn his fear of water into a great poem. These lines show his unique rhyme scheme composed entirely of couplets. Frost's awards were won for his ability to create flowing, flowing poems. The mood of this poem is anger. The tone is the same. The tone is anger shown in line twelve: “Someone better prepare for rage” (Frost 12). He clearly shows us how he feels, as well as how the reader should feel. The theme of the poem is that time is inevitable. No one can stop or reverse time. An example of the theme is here: “It seemed as if a night of dark intentions/was coming, and not just a night, an age” (Frost 10-11). He said that a period of destruction would pass and it would not be possible to slow it down. Some stunning imagery is shown here: “The clouds were low and shaggy in the sky/like wisps thrown forward in the stream of eyes” (Frost 5-6). This shows images and an example given for comparison. Due to his exceptional use of figurative language, he was deservedly awarded 4 main awards (“Poet Robert Frost”). Since Frost is one of the most famous poets, there is no doubt that he was one of the greatest. Robert Frost used great emotion, vivid words, and figurative language that brought his poems to life. The phrase “The clouds were low and shaggy in the sky” shows great emotion while using fantastical imagery (Frost 5). Just this line shows what.