
  • Essay / My Personal Development - 1245

    Ecological systems theory, developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917-2005) in 1979, consists of five environmental systems and examines how individuals interact with them. This approach often provides insight into children's development and their relationship with their environment. Ecological Systems Theory The five distinctive groups of ecological systems theory examine their relationships with each other and the role they play in the development of children. 'a child.Microsystem. The microsystem refers to the people with whom an individual is directly involved. Examples could include family, friends, teachers and community members. This system is attributed to the construction of our environment and our involvement with those around us who create it. Mesosystem. The mesosystem suggests that these microsystems form relationships with each other throughout their development, resulting in a system within a system. For example, a person's family experience may be closely related to their educational or professional experience, creating a connection between the two. For example, if a father abuses his child, the child may have difficulty forming relationships with men in positions of authority, such as employers or instructors. This can also manifest itself in the child causing them to withdraw and feel alienated by their peers. Exosystem. The Exosystem creates a connection between the external setting in which the individual has no active role, as well as the setting in which the individual is immediately involved. For example, if a child has a closer relationship with his older brother than his sister and the brother leaves for college, the child may feel disconnected from the relationship with his sister. Alternatively, middle of paper......judgment to help me throughout my life. Developing my social skills as a child was central to my psychological growth. The versatility of my development is attributed to emotional, physical and environmental factors. These factors played an equally important role in my developmental progress as a child and are integral to my emotional connection with others. Looking back, my personal development has evolved many times throughout my life, the interaction between my physical and emotional self has fluctuated. as my immediate relationships and environment change. The resilience of the human spirit and its ability to continue to develop throughout our lives is the main factor that sets us apart from our counterparts. Works cited Stassen Berger, K. (2010). Invitation to Lifetime. New York: Worth Publishers.