
  • Essay / The Notebook Movie Analysis - 1206

    Society is the result of our interactions, and society guides our interactions. This is all about social construction. Social construction conveys values, ideas and traditions. These values, ideals and traditions are created and become traditions which are then passed down. These traditions then come to be seen as natural rather than cultural, which is often how the media portrays them and society unknowingly accepts them. In the movie The Notebook, it basically came down to a woman, Allie, played by Rachel McAdams, who had to choose between "what's good for you" and "this is crazy, but it's love." What is good for you was represented by another man's social status, wealth. While love was represented by Noah, an ordinary man trying to get by in life barely making minimum wage. Class plays an important and conflicting role throughout this film. Class and wealth are two of the main issues faced by the main characters throughout this film. The main characters of The Notebook, Noah and Allie experience their first major problem when Allie's parents do not allow them to date due to Noah's social status and lack of money. In society, it is believed and known that there are many privileges to having money and people are also open to more opportunities when it comes to money. For example, Allie was able to benefit from a completely different type of education than Noah because her parents had the money to provide her with opportunities like painting, dance lessons, and tutors. Noah had to start working in a sawmill at the age of seventeen because his family did not have much money. This idea that is portrayed of them shows how money is linked to success and how little time...... middle of paper ...... health, status and capitalism were recurring themes that have been made prominent because I believe these types of values ​​are not values ​​that should disrupt a relationship. Media and films often attempt to make these difficult points of view. These views will always be seen as natural rather than cultural values, especially in today's society. Although this film exploits many stereotypical themes, I liked that the film ended with a non-stereotypical image of Allie, a female, breadwinner, marrying Noah, a man who is not affiliated with wealth and who takes care of him. her and the life they provided equally. Rather than the stereotypical image of a man, being the breadwinner and the wife who takes care of him. The film went against the image of a stereotypical society, especially at that time, and I admired that..