
  • Essay / The magical power of gratitude and saying “Thank you!” »

    My story is a perfect example of what life is like when a person ignores gratitude, and what happens when you make gratitude a part of my life.Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay If I had been asked six years ago if I was a grateful person, I would have said yes, that is I sure am a grateful person. I say thank you when I receive a gift, when someone opens a door for me, or when someone does something for me. The truth is that I was not a grateful person at all. I didn't know what being grateful really meant, and just saying the words thank you on rare occasions certainly didn't make me a grateful person. My life without gratitude was difficult enough. I was in debt and it was growing a little more every month. I worked very hard, but my finances never improved. Trying to maintain it with mounting debt and obligations, I was living with a continual undercurrent of stress. My relationships seemed to have enough time for each person. Even though I was what you would call healthy, I felt exhausted at the end of each day and still had my share of colds and the latest illnesses that went around each season. I had moments of happiness when I went out with friends or went on vacation, but then the reality of having to work harder to pay for those pleasures would overwhelm me. I wasn't living. I was surviving day to day and paycheck to paycheck, and no sooner would I solve one life problem than other problems would appear. But then something happened that changed everything in my life from that day on. I discovered a secret about life, and as a result of that discovery, one of the things I started doing was practicing gratitude every day, saying “Thank you!” " more. As a result, everything changed in my life and the more I practiced gratitude, the more miraculous the result was. My life has truly become magical. For the first time in my life I was debt free and soon after I had all the money I needed to do what I wanted. The problems in my relationships, my job, and my health disappeared, and instead of facing daily obstacles, my days were filled with one good thing after another. My health and energy improved dramatically and I felt better than I did in my 20s, my relationships became much more meaningful, and I enjoyed more quality times with family and friends in just a few months than in of all previous years. More than anything else, I felt happier than I thought I could be. I was extremely happy, the happiest I had ever been. Gratitude changed me and my whole life changed like magic. And is my life magical? You can tell right now how much you have really used gratitude in my life. Just take a look at all the major areas of your life: money, health, happiness, career, home and relationships. The areas of your life that are abundant and wonderful are where I have used gratitude and experienced magic as a result. . Any areas that are not abundant and wonderful are due to a lack of gratitude. When you are not grateful, you cannot receive more in return. You must stop magic from continuing in your life. To receive, you must give. This is the law, gratitude is giving thanks and without it you cut yourself off from the magic and receiving everything you want in life..