
  • Essay / How knowledge is perceived

    The number of people who understand the importance of knowledge in today's world and in the world of Socrates is very different. Apologies is a book written by the philosopher Plato, which describes why knowledge is important. In Allegory of the Cave, Plato talks about a philosophical idea where prisoners in a cave whose reality are shadows on a wall. When they gain knowledge capable of leaving the dark cave, they see the world as it really is. Andrew Nicol's The Truman Show is a very similar modern version of Plato's Allegory of the Cave, where a man's entire life is actually reality TV and the man is unaware of it. Knowledge today is different from that of 2,400 years ago because it is more accessible and is not limited by those in power. In Plato's time, knowledge was not as easily accessible as it is today. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get an original essay There was no organized schooling for people and the only education people received was what their parents taught them when they were children. In each generation, the population as a whole did not gain knowledge, because each generation told the next one the same thing. When Socrates is confronted with the Athenian legal system. Meletus, one of Socrates' main accusers, told the jury that "Socrates is guilty of corrupting the young and of believing not in the gods in whom the city believes, but in other new spiritual things (Plato 4). “Socrates was a philosopher who taught his philosophies to young people for free. One of its main lessons is to question everything to better understand the world in which we live by questioning their daily practices. There weren't many philosophers because of the danger. If a philosopher had taught a child to murder someone, the philosopher would be considered guilty. Since there was almost no one around to ask questions, the amount of knowledge a community held remained the same in each generation. One of Socrates' accusations was that he did not believe in the gods that the city believed in (Plato 4). “Not believing in the same gods as the majority was considered almost worse than killing someone. You could be easily charged and executed if found guilty if your belief system does not match that of the majority. Things like this have strongly discouraged people from studying other religions and other ideas and from questioning their own belief systems. In today's world, the goal of young people is to complete high school and then go to university in order to acquire specific knowledge. certain area or area. 2,400 years ago, your life would have already been planned out and you would have very little choice in what you do with your life, much like the Truman Show. Accessibility of knowledge has gone from non-existent to a major priority and to younger generations. Knowledge can be modified by leaders to change the way the community as a whole perceives things. An example of this in The Truman Show is that when Truman begins to realize that his world revolves around him, Christof, the director, takes great measures to dissuade Truman from discovering the real truth. From a young age, Christof began teaching Truman to be afraid of water. Christof introduces this fear of water by killing his actor father in a boating accident and making Truman feel responsible for his father's death..