
  • Essay / Delayed Dreams - 577

    John and Leetie's lives could easily represent the American dream. They operate a successful logging business. They own a beautiful home and farm with scenic views of a local river and have four successful children of whom they are immensely proud. However, they have experienced many trials during their 46 years of marriage. The lean years helped create a close-knit family and made their success later in life even sweeter. John grew up in a family with seven children. Even by the liberal standards of his small community, his family would be quite poor. Meals consisted of whatever they grew, killed or found. Hunting was not a sport in his family, it was a necessity. John was forced to drop out of high school after his sophomore year to help support his family. He followed in his father's footsteps and began his career in the lumber business. Leetie and her three brothers grew up in a middle-class family in the Phoenix, Arizona area. She had many family members in the Ozarks that they were going to visit, including farmers....