
  • Essay / Why They Serve'' by Sarah Palin - 562

    The three texts ''Why They Serve'' by Sarah Palin, ''A Soldier's Story: War Affects the Whole Family'' by David Zucchino and Joel Pitney's ''The Making of a Naval Officer'' each present the reader with a different perspective on the notion of serving in the military by encompassing both the negative and positive aspects of doing so. Palin, the mother of a deployed soldier, believes that the fundamental motivation to serve stems from the hope of a safe and secure future for her family. Continuing this thought, she goes on to explain and emphasize that America is built on an idea; therefore, according to Palin, people in service feel like they are defending the very concept of America itself while its core values, especially freedom, are in danger. Zucchino's article has some resonance with Palin, but it nevertheless reveals the darker sides. to serve for his country. Telling the story of veteran Ryan Kahlor, Zucchino shows that some soldiers return home lifeless and unable to adapt to their social surroundings, which also negatively impacts their surroundings. This leads ...