
  • Essay / Controlling the Uncontrollable in 1984 - 901

    Controlling the Uncontrollable in 1984Jim Rohn once said: "It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind, that determines which way we will go." . He implied that you can overcome anything that comes in your way and achieve what you set out to do. But this quote can relate to the 1984 control system if you read it exactly the opposite way. Think of wind as a natural human instinct, and with the ease it takes to literally change the direction of a sail, the group redirects those instincts to serve a purpose and help them achieve their goal. Additionally, the government aims for total control but realizes that humans have tendencies that cannot be completely destroyed. In order to prevent these inclinations from causing problems, they are able to redirect them to help the cause. They recognized that children have a natural need to rebel and so created a system in which they could rebel against their parents for the benefit of the party instead of rebelling against it. They also realized that humans have a natural libido that cannot be stopped and therefore do not tolerate prostitution. Finally, they realize that the government gives people many reasons to hate, and so they provide a person to hate instead, and even specific times to hate. George Orwell's 1984 government maintains control by redirecting innate tendencies such as rebellion in children, the human libido, and even the capacity to hate. The party's goal was total control, not only for the current day but for the rest of time. . Children are the future, if they are loyal to the party now, they will continue to be loyal all their lives and will teach this loyalty to their children. However, my child... middle of paper ... make sure they don't hate their big brother. Hatred, especially in a world like the one depicted in 1984, is intrinsic, so in order to ensure that this hatred never rests on them, the party has provided people with someone to hate. In its quest for total power, the party had to control human instincts. who were unstoppable. They solved this problem by controlling these instincts in this way, modifying them in a way that was beneficial to them. They controlled the natural rebellion of children by making them rebel against their parents. They curbed the sexual instinct of men by allowing prostitution and redirected the hatred of the people. With these habits mastered, the party is able to achieve full power. Once people got used to these manipulations, they were as easy to control as changing the direction of a sail and the party achieved its ultimate goal..