
  • Essay / Essay on Chondrichthyan fish - 735

    How do sharks reproduce? During mating, the male shark fertilizes the eggs by inserting his clasp into the oviduct of the female shark. What happens after fertilization varies from species to species. Some shark species lay their eggs covered in protective tissue. These eggs later hatch into young fish. Other species give birth to live young and then abandon them. 8. Briefly describe some of the ways the shark is able to detect its prey in the water. Emphasize how sharks rely on senses other than vision. Sharks use their sensory, auditory and visual senses to detect prey in the water. They have sensory receptors forming what is called the lateral line. These receptors detect any potential prey, then it moves in the direction of the stimulus. Electroreception is another mechanism used by sharks to detect prey. In electroreception, the shark picks up weak electrical signals produced by the muscular contraction of nearby prey. 9. What is the full taxonomic name and “popular name” of the shark we will examine in the laboratory? The popular name of the shark is the small gulper shark while its taxonomic name is Centrophorus.