
  • Essay / Renegade Robinson Creative Writing - 833

    Although he believed in hard work, education, and religion, I liked to take life as it came to me. I was more angry and combative than him, and he would stop at nothing to try to force me to be like him. When I was 16, a friend of mine tried to pick on my girlfriend. Naturally, the only thing to do was to enter his home in the middle of the night with the intention of inflicting physical harm on him. Unfortunately for me, his very nervous mother was at home and called the cops. Break-ins were recorded on my previously surprisingly spotless record sheet. My father, being an honest and hardworking man, managed to have it removed from the record. He then tried to take me under his wing and teach me banking. But a hot-headed 17-year-old like me doesn't take to banking classes so easily. I stopped after the first week. He yelled at me for wasting my life, and I yelled at him for wasting my time. We just didn't understand