
  • Essay / Strengths and Weaknesses of Human Behavior - 725

    Human behavior is a very broad and complex subject because each individual is different from each other. Before individual behavior and personalities can be understood, the basic principles of human cognition must be well understood. Cognition is the thought process in humans that describes how the information we constantly acquire is transformed, stored, and used as knowledge in making future decisions. Almost all mental processes that a human can experience are forms of cognition and must be processed by the brain and then implemented, consciously or unconsciously. The brain will receive so-called stimuli or inputs from one of the five senses. This information is then processed through what is known. They must facilitate the evolutionary process within an organization. Managers must play the role of leader, negotiator, figurehead and communicator. In each of these roles, the manager's goal is to help employees navigate change with as few conflicts and problems as possible. One of the greatest assets I can bring to a leadership role is reliability and consistency. I will do my best one hundred percent of the time to be as reliable as possible and this is true in all aspects of my life not just my professional role. I am a consistent person because I like things to be done in a certain order and have a set routine. But this aspect also plays on one of my weaknesses as a manager. I am resistant to change and tend to be somewhat myopic when it comes to a particular task at hand. There are a number of things that I personally need to improve on in order to become a truly successful manager. However, for the purposes of this essay, the number one key concept that will enable my further development in the workplace is becoming a more goal-oriented manager. person. I am capable of setting goals, but I am very easily distracted and often find myself branching out and taking on several things at once and before I know it, so much is happening that the goal initial can become