
  • Essay / Essay on Traditional Media - 1774

    Obsolescence is often the price of technological progress. The quill gave way to the quill, which gave way to the typewriter, and then was superseded by the modern computer. But are the media subject to this same phenomenon? New media is often associated with the millennial generation. So is it true that traditional media is still relevant in today's society as the demographics of media consumers shift? What are the demographic differences between people who use traditional media and new media? What factors influence people's choice between new media and traditional media? These are the questions that the literature review will answer with the help of various journals. Are traditional media still relevant in today's society where the use of new media is increasingly popular? In certain areas, such as marketing, traditional media plays a major role. Research has shown how new and traditional media complement each other in a concept akin to a “rock in the pond” (LaPointe, 1). Traditional media is the rock, while new media is the pond. A message sent by traditional media ripples through new media, just like a stone creates ripples when thrown into a pond. This ripple effect greatly enhances the impact of the intended message, allowing it to reach a much wider audience than initially intended. However, many marketers often exaggerate the importance of new media in a given marketing strategy, by as much as 40% (1) Without traditional media, "there might be no material reverberations in the media space "(1), which would force marketers to use alternative methods to generate social buzz. Most of these "social-only" strategies are "surprisingly expensive" or "very low probability" (1)....... middle of paper ...... are needed in just a few clicks (D/OM . Krishnasamy ). In fact, while using new media, information can be accessed anytime and anywhere as per the convenience of the user (D/O M. Krishnasamy). Indeed, when comparing traditional media to new media, it is evident that obtaining information with smartphones or other "internet-based terminals" is much easier than going through a newspaper page by page, traditional media (D/O M. Krishnasamy). ). Additionally, a consumer can search for information anytime and anywhere, using a smartphone, without having to wait for “the broadcast program to be connected to get the information” (D/O M. Krishnasamy). Conclusion Although each medium has its own pros and cons. The potential they have when used together is clear, the maximum potential of new media cannot be achieved without traditional media, and vice versa..