
  • Essay / Everdeen's Analysis of the Natural Extraterrestrial - 1163

    Then later it will be more relevant to explain why his version of faith can help stop climate change. Humans are born to be open to their world, to be able to accept their responsibilities, to create their own traditions from a historical past and to remake them in an unpredictable future (Everdeen 112). Opening up to the world is like being able to choose the type of impact you want to leave on your environment. For example, one person might be a firefighter and another might be a police officer. We have the ability to shape ourselves into what we want to be. In the case of the wood duck, it does not have the capacity to consider different options. In addition to this, Everdeen explains why we are able to be born open to the world by stating that we are a kind of exotic animal that meets an empty niche, a way of living that is not used by anything else (Everdeen 109). ). In our case, we are looking for an external mode of control, which is not used by any other creature. This has led us to stay young and obsess over the “how” of the world, without commitment to the environmental context (Everdeen 117). This therefore explains why we have come to develop a Cartesian vision of things. In reference to the wood duck, it has the same impact on its environment. Unlike humans, we are not engaged in an environmental context and have the capacity to have a range of environmental impacts because we do not have a niche. In a way, the wood duck has more faith than a human because it has this commitment. This is what it means to be a