
  • Essay / The relationship between faith and truth in Arthur...

    If someone's faith is real and honest. If someone tells the truth. Or even if someone lies, are they doing it to save someone else or themselves. Miller also shows this in his play. Just because you lie doesn't mean you don't have faith. It all depends on why you are lying and the nature of the lie. When Elizabeth lied about Proctor and Abigail not committing adultery, she did so to protect Proctor's name. She did it for someone else's sake, but does that mean she doesn't have faith? There is a relationship between faith and truth, but they do not always go hand in hand. Just because someone has faith doesn't mean they never lie, and just because someone lies doesn't mean they don't have faith. Yes, truth and faith are very similar, but they are just as different as they are similar. It's an almost impossible thing to