
  • Essay / The Story - 900

    Thomas Builds-the-Fire entered his house filled with emotion. He never cared what others thought of him, he knew he was different and always would be. There was something about him that bothered him. Maybe it was the fact that Victor finally apologized to him years later. He still didn't understand why Victor had beaten him that day or why Victor had never spoken to him after they had shared so much as children. He wondered if his life on the reservation would change after this trip. If Victor shared with others how normal, funny and good Thomas was. He was tired of being nicknamed Thomas, the storyteller that no one wanted to listen to. His stories weren't just stories, they were the truth, the truth that people weren't ready to hear. Like when he told Victor that his father's heart was weak and he wanted to leave him and his mother. Victor probably didn't believe him but he was right. What people didn't understand was that his stories were messages he had to deliver from the spirits and that's why he always told the same stories. Messages needed to be delivered but no one listened. Victor simply wasn't ready to face this cruel truth. Thomas finally began to understand why, to a certain extent, he was rejected by his own people. He had hoped that their point of view would change and that Victor would keep his word and listen to one more of his stories. He knew the spirits would tell him a story that would change the way everyone looked at him, especially Victor. “One day everyone will sit down and listen to my stories,” he said to himself. “When Victor came home, his mother was waiting for him anxiously, she wanted to know everything that happened during the trip but Victor just wanted to rest... middle of paper..... .it's not easy. The two men decided to fight against fate, they discovered that when they fought together, they fought better and won most battles. Not only were they warriors, but they became the best of friends. Since then, they had become invincible. "Victor smiled and said 'Thanks, I need that.' " Thomas replied "did you recognize this story? "Victor smiled and said "I will never let anything get in the way of our friendship, you are the only true friend I have. Thank you for not abandoning me and for keeping the promise I made to my father. »They knew it was time to throw away the ashes now. Victor's father can finally rest easy knowing that his son and Thomas will take care of each other. They became best friends and everyone began to see Thomas differently. He told different stories and people really enjoyed listening to him. Warriors' lives changed forever.