
  • Essay / Wheat Bread Test - 673

    Seed constituents, i.e. proteins, starch, non-starchy carbohydrates, lipids and other small molecules, determine the processing quality of the wheat. The content and types of proteins determine the quality of the final product like bread, biscuits, cakes, chapatti and noodles etc. Wheat grains can generally be classified as having a soft or hard endosperm texture. Soft cereals are generally used for making biscuits, while hard cereals are used for sandwich breads and doughs (Moss, 1973).2.1 For the manufacture of biscuitsThe manufacture of biscuits requires soft wheat with a low content of proteins, the proteins associated with starch granules, Pin, being the main molecular determinant of grain texture, which is an important property because it determines end-use quality. Puroindoline constitutes the molecular basis of the hardness of the wheat grain. These are low molecular weight, highly basic, highly surface active, quantitatively relatively minor, gluten-free proteins from the caryopsis of wheat. They come in two forms, Pina and Pinb, of 13 KDa protein. Morris (2002), the two genes Puroindoline and grain softness protein 1 (GSP-1) (Jolly et al. 1993) are associated with the hardness locus (Ha) located on the short arm of chromosome 5D of soft wheat. However, the homologous loci on 5A and 5B lack the two Pin genes, these were deleted during the evolution of durum wheat and therefore soft wheat. The absence of softness conferring the Pin genes is considered responsible for the very hard texture of durum wheat, a soft texture being restored in soft wheat. Pin genes originate from Ae.taudchii (Lagudah et al. 1991), during evolution. Soft texture is encoded by both Pina and Pinb in the functional state, encoded by wild-type alleles, designated Pina-D1a and Pinb-D1a, and various mutations in one or both of these genes have. .... middle of paper .... ....assets. Co-transformation with silencing cassettes for both genes resulted in a 91% reduction of Pina and Pinb transcripts in some Kontesa-segregating F1 progenies. The silence was passed to the F4 core generation of the F3 lines. Thus, the lack of both puroindoline proteins in silent lines correlates with an essential increase in grain hardness. Chen et al. (2013) studied the molecular characterization of the Puroindoline-D1 allele in bread wheat cultivars from five geographic regions, resulting in the discovery of two new alleles: Pina-D1 with a 4,422 bp deletion and Pina-D1u with a 6,460 bp deletion in the Ha (Hardness) locus. Molecular markers were developed for both alleles. They analyzed the association of Puroindoline-D1 alleles with grain texture and showed that cultivars with the PinA-null allele had a relatively high SKCS hardness index...