
  • Essay / A comparison of Hemingway and Frédéric in A Farewell...

    Parallels between Hemingway and Frédéric in A Farewell to Arms"All fiction is autobiographical, however obscure it may be from the point of view of the experience of the 'author, the marks of their lives can be detected in any of their tales' (Bell, 17). Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms is largely based on Hemingway's personal experiences. The main character of the novel, Frederick Henry, experiences many of the same situations that Hemingway experienced. Some of these similarities are accurate, while others are less so and some events have a completely different outcome. Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899, in Oak Park, Illinois. Hemingway worked as a reporter for the Kansas City Star after graduating from high school in 1917. During World War I, he served as an ambulance driver in the Italian infantry and was wounded just before his 19th birthday . Hospitalized, Hemingway falls in love with an older nurse. Later, while working in Paris as a correspondent for the Toronto Star, he became involved in the expatriate literary and artistic circle surrounding Gertrude Stein. During the Spanish Civil War, Hemingway served as a correspondent on the Loyalist side. He fought in World War II, then moved to Cuba in 1945. In 1954, Hemingway received the Nobel Prize for Literature. After his expulsion from Cuba by the Castro regime, he settled in Idaho. During his life, Hemingway married four times and wrote numerous essays, short stories and novels. The effects of Hemingway's lifelong depressions, illnesses, and accidents caught up with him. In July 1961, he committed suicide in Ketchum, Idaho. What remains are his works, the product of a talented author. A Farewell to Arms is the stor...... middle of paper ...... is Hemingway: The Writer in Context. Ed. James Nagel. Madison: University of Wisconsin, 1984. Bloom, Harold. Introduction. A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea, 1987. Donaldson, Scott. “The Escape of Frederic Henry and the Pose of Passivity.” Hemingway: a reassessment. Ed. Donald R. Noble. Troy: Whitson, 1983. Lewis, Wyndham. Twentieth-century interpretations of a farewell to arms. Ed. Jay Gellens. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice, 1970. 56-64. Schneider, Daniel. “A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway: the novel as pure poetry.” Modern Fiction Studies, 14 (fall 1968): 283-96. Spanier, Sandra Whipple. "Hemingway's The Unknown Soldier: Catherine Barkley, Critics, and the Great War." » New essays on A Farewell to Arms.Ed. Scott Donaldson. New York: Cambridge U, 1990. Young, Philip. Ernest Hemingway. New York: Rinehart, 1952.