
  • Essay / The Casey Anthony Trial: The OJ Simpson Trial

    Even though the prosecution presented evidence in court, the only clear fact the prosecution had against Anthony was that they failed to file a report for her missing daughter, Caylee. and that when she finally did, a month after her daughter's disappearance, she profusely lied to authorities about the events that had occurred. The prosecution focused heavily on the forensic evidence of decomposition found in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car. Using a cadaver dog to search the vehicle allowed investigators to determine that a decomposing body had been stored in the trunk of the car. The forensic department used an air sampling procedure on the trunk of Casey Anthony's car, also indicating that traces of human decomposition and chloroform were indeed present. Several witnesses described what they considered to be an overwhelming odor coming from inside the trunk, because that's where the prosecution believes Caylee's decomposing body was stored. Several pieces of evidence were ruled out as the source of the odor, with experts able to rule out the trash bag and two chlorine containers located in the trunk as the source. The prosecution alleged that Casey Anthony used chloroform to subdue her daughter, then used duct tape to close Caylee's nose and mouth, inevitably causing her to suffocate. Based on the