
  • Essay / Characters, death and bad deeds in "Everyman"

    Table of contentsIntroductionCharacters in the playPerception and treatment of deathConclusionIntroductionEveryman, the play is based on the principle that a person will be held responsible for good and bad deeds committed on earth by God after their death. All of these deeds are recorded in a ledger by God and each is expected to respond to his death (Cawley, 1989). The characters in the play are allegorical and the main character Everyman tries to convince them to help him improve his story so that after his death he can account for his good deeds. These characters personify different aspects like material goods, companionship, knowledge and especially good deeds. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on “Why Violent Video Games Should Not Be Banned”? Get the original essay Thesis Statement: At the end of life, every man must face the judgment of his God; good deeds will be the only thing that can accompany him throughout the journey to judgment. The play begins with God declaring that his creatures do not respect him or serve him properly; they live without considering their well-being after their life on earth and do not recognize the role of heaven and hell in the afterlife (Meijer, 1971). In the same breath, he declares that he will be held accountable to hold them responsible; an assessment of their character, a judgment on the choices made on earth.Characters in the playAccording to the play, each man is a character unaware of the repercussions of his actions while he is still alive on earth. When the time of his death comes, he is not ready to face judgment and seeks to prolong his sentence (Davidson et al, 2007). Like any other human being, he begins to regret most of the things he had the chance to do and didn't do. He is also afraid of the journey that awaits him after death. His fear drives him to seek companionship on the journey, not knowing that he must travel this road alone and face the judgment of his actions and account for his life alone. Everyone's character is that they have lived a reckless life and are unwilling to face the consequences, especially alone. In this case, he apologizes by seeking to repent of all the wrongs he has committed (Meijer, 1971). He seeks advice from his friends and would like them to accompany him not only for him but for them, because the journey awaits us all after death. The first friend that comes to his aid is fellowship. Fellowship is a curious cat because he wants to know the reason why his friend is sad. He pesters everyone to tell them what hurts them and has taken away their joy. He does this seeing the seriousness of the matter and does not give everyone the opportunity to be alone with their thoughts. Fellowship is a liar because he tells everyone that he will never abandon him as a friend and will be with him throughout his problems. Conversely, upon hearing everyone's dilemma, Fellowship changes his stance and states that he is in no way capable of accompanying everyone on such a journey. It is obvious that the fellowship, like everyone else, is afraid and wishes to live forever without knowing death and without suffering the judgment of their God. The camaraderie quickly leaves everyone alone to their own fate. The relative and cousin are the second to come to everyone and he makes the same appeal to them to accompany him on his journey, but they too abandon him. Everyone remembers the many fun times they shared together and can't believe that they abandon him in his time of need (Davidson et al, 2007). He then turns to the goods and riches which were hisfriend and tells him about his trip but he also refuses. He tells everyone that the love of goods and riches is opposed to the love of God. Additionally, goods and riches enjoyed one's life on earth and did not want to be part of a journey that would lead to an afterlife. This does not involve enjoying the good things in life. In this case, goods and wealth only saw life while still on earth and had no value for life after death. Each man then turns to his last friend of good deeds, who appears to be very weak and, to his great surprise, he agrees to accompany him on his journey. journey, but on the condition that he must do something to make her strong enough. The sister of good deeds, called knowledge, advises everyone to confess when doing penance, which reinforces good deeds enough for her to accompany him on his journey. After a good deed and each man embarks on his journey, he is accompanied by knowledge, beauty, discretion, strength and the five spirits. As everyone begins to die, everyone else leaves his side, except for the good deeds who stand by his side during his judgment. Death is believed to be the result of sin, because God only introduced it after seeing the wickedness of man. Good deeds help everyone understand that although death is inevitable and must happen, there is a Christian faith that maintains the hope of believing. that there, death is a path to a wonderful eternal life and that instead of being feared, it should be embraced. Conversely, death is not only a path that leads people to an eternal life with God, but also a way to hold them accountable for their actions on earth. Perception and treatment of death Faced with death, every man must bear the consequences of his life. choices he made. Death is seen as another character in the play introduced by God as much as an allegorical character; it is a journey that must be undertaken alone. In this case, death is a signal allowing everyone to account for their good or bad actions. As death slowly approaches for every man, God's grace and knowledge gives each a second chance to make better decisions, repent of sins, and gain penance. In this case, death is seen as a form of punishment that God sends to man when he discovers that he is concerned with material goods and wealth and not with his spiritual well-being. In this case, death is a separation of man from his earthly possession and a time to unite with his creator God or be punished eternally for evil deeds committed on earth. Death is considered a condition that every man must undergo and not a choice. . Even though every man would like to stay alive longer, he has no choice when death comes and there is no way to stop it (Takahashi, 2003). Although every man tries to bribe death with his material goods, death does not budge and he must have realized his intentions here on earth. Death seems to have no interest and no value for material possession; he is here to accomplish God's will and will do so accordingly. Death is associated with loneliness and alienation because no one wants to be associated with death or a person who is on death row. Additionally, one has to face judgment while alone, as is clear from the play, everyone's friends abandon him after discovering that the spirit of death is upon him and he must be judged upon his death. Death also evokes fear in all characters except good deeds. In fact, the characters are.