
  • Essay / WWII Short Answer Assessment - 911

    1. The American and European response to German and Japanese acts of aggression has been justified and just. For example, when Japan invaded Manchuria and Vietnam, the United States imposed an embargo on steel and oil in order to stop Japanese imperialism, which was justified and just because the United States can choose with who to trade. Poland launched a blitzkrieg or "blitzkrieg", Britain and France declared war on Germany. It was just because Britain and France were trying to defend Poland. Eventually, when Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, the United States declares war on Japan, which is justified by the fact that the Japanese attacked and bombed an American naval base.2. Both the Axis and Allied Powers implemented new strategies and technologies during the war. Radar was used by the United States to defend against German submarines that attacked shipping off the eastern coast of the United States. Blitzkrieg, also known as "lightning war", was a German tactic that required the concentration of offensive weapons such as tanks and artillery on a narrow front. The Germans used blitzkrieg to quickly defeat Europe to avoid a long war. Sonar, which uses sound waves to detect distant objects, was also used to combat German submarines in America and Britain.3. During World War II, the United States of America gradually moved from neutrality to participation in the war. American isolation was primarily due to the neutrality laws of 1935 which prohibited arms sales and loans to countries at war or civil war. However, the neutrality laws created conflicts between nations that frequently traded with the United States, particularly Japan, as the United States had an embargo on steel and oil, plus...a middle of paper......a stage for the Cold War. The “Iron Curtain” or invisible line that separated communism and democracy helped Stalin secure communist rule in Eastern Europe, also known as the satellite nations. Furthermore, two rival alliances form NATO or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Warsaw Pact which included the Soviet Union and its satellite countries.10. The United States of America attempts to contain the spread of communism after World War II. The Marshall Plan provided food, machinery and materials to rebuild Western Europe and fight communism. The Truman Doctrine provided U.S. aid to countries that rejected communism. During the Berlin Airlift, when France, Britain, and the United States unified West Germany while the Soviets held West Berlin hostage and cut off supplies, the United States brought in food and supplies to West Berlin..