
  • Essay / A friendship should reflect each person's moral values ​​and...

    Choosing the right friends impacts how one's future is shaped. Not everyone agrees that their friends can have an influence on them, but in reality, friends have one of the greatest impacts on life. Individuals often think of themselves as independent, but in reality they are dependent on their friends. They can impact a person's lifestyle by making it more positive, teaching them to be true friends, and showing a reflection of themselves. Good friends can improve a person's life. These relationships can even have emotional effects; they are “…part of that relationship that is so essential to your emotional well-being.” (Klam 218). People make friends for help on the roller coaster of emotions that life brings. Friends are people you can trust. They are there to provide encouragement and be a support system. The main advantage of friendship is having people with whom you can express yourself, good or bad. This builds trust between two individuals. When this trust is deeply ingrained in a relationship, friends can support each other when one is feeling down. They can also show a person's strengths when one feels weak. This is the problem of life; Everything may be going well, but suddenly life decides to change completely. These rapid changes on the surface can throw people into a slump. But among friends, these setbacks aren't so bad, because someone is there to catch those who stumble along the way. Making the trip is only half the game; the other half concerns how and with whom the money is spent. “You come into this world alone and die alone, but there is a very long period in between that can be extraordinarily meaningful and even fun with the right people. And when it's not fun, they will be with you...... middle of paper......Friends who try to control others should not be allowed into our inner circle. They're not the kind of people who should influence others, but they can if people let them. A good friend may have many of these qualities, but if he has no influence over a person, he really isn't a very good friend. Choosing the right friends impacts how one's future is shaped. Good friends will bring out the best in each other, encourage each other during difficult times, and help each other make good choices. A good friend may have many of these qualities, but if he has no influence over a person, he really isn't a very good friend. The best kind of friend can and will have a positive influence on someone, no matter what. One should cherish true friendship and choosing the right friends will greatly benefit one's present and future..