
  • Essay / What is breastfeeding? - 858

    What is breastfeeding?Feeding the baby with milk produced naturally by the mother's breasts is called breastfeeding. This milk is produced from the ducts located in the breasts of females. This process of feeding the baby is also called lactation. This process can continue for more than six months. Some babies are too dependent on lactation. Their mothers are able to produce natural milk for several months. The duration of breast milk production depends largely on the demands of the baby and the amount of milk he consumes. • Breastfeeding is the most nutritious form of nutrition for human babies. The baby's first feeding should start with breast milk. • However, if the mother is taking any harmful medications, T lymphotropic drugs or is HIV positive, then she should avoid breastfeeding. • Breast milk improves the health and immune system of the baby throughout his life.Benefits of breastfeeding for the baby It improves the immune system of the baby It makes the baby beautiful, while limiting obesity Strengthens the intelligence of the baby The baby becomes less prone to allergies It provides all the important nutrition to the baby in correct proportions It reduces the chances of necrotizing enterocolitis.Benefits of breastfeeding for the mother Hormones released during breastfeeding, oxytocin and prolactin, relieve the mother of post-pregnancy physical problems. problems. Oxytocin helps in faster contraction of the uterus. It helps in reducing weight. The fat acquired during pregnancy is actually used to produce nutritious breast milk. It acts as a natural contraceptive because breastfeeding women have irregular ovulation. This reduces the chances of consecutive pregnancies......middle of paper......bringing each of your breasts to each baby. For this you will definitely need a pillow, as you will need to use each hand for each baby. Try feeding them alternately. Breastfeeding Problems: Common problems faced by many mothers while breastfeeding are: 1. Blocked Ducts and Mastitis: Blocked ducts get better on their own. Mastitis is a bacterial infection that happens to breastfeeding mothers.2. Colic in breastfed babies: The baby may become fussy or colicky due to the low fat content of breast milk or an intolerance to milk proteins3. Sore nipples: This occurs due to poor positioning of the baby during breastfeeding and poor hygiene. Treatments for Breastfeeding Problems:  Cabbage leaf ointment can cure nipple sores.  Milk production can be increased by eating or using herbs like Fengugreek and Blessed Tristle.  Consult doctors and get appropriate medicines