
  • Essay / Don't be swayed by appearance - 835

    “Reality is only an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. » (Albert Einstein) People can be shaped by the appearance of others. The person's reality is truly identified through the numerous actions they carry out. William Shakespeare's play Macbeth depicts the theme of appearance versus reality through many acts and events. First, this theme is shown in Macbeth when Lady Macbeth sleepwalks through the halls, thinking she is talking to someone else. Second, Appearance versus Reality is shown when Lady Macbeth tells her husband to kill Duncan. Finally, this theme is represented when the forest seems to be moving towards Macbeth. Both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth experience many instances where they get confused between a person's appearance and their reality. These three examples of appearance versus reality from Macbeth show that William Shakespeare recognizes appearance versus reality as an important theme throughout the play. In conclusion, William Shakespeare's violent play Macbeth depicts the theme of appearance versus reality throughout the book. Firstly, appearance versus reality is shown when Lady Macbeth begins her sleepwalking. After Duncan is murdered by Macbeth, Lady Macbeth still has the illusion that someone is calling to her in the middle of the night. She sleepwalks and talks about the murder in the air while holding a candle in her hand. This shows the example of appearance versus reality. Lady Macbeth thinks that someone is listening to her but in reality there is no one in front of her; she speaks emptyly. “Here again is the smell of blood: all the perfumes of Arabia will not soften this little hand.” (V, I, 46) This quote shows that Lady Macbeth speaks in her sleep. She lives in fear that if... middle of paper... when he imagines a dagger in front of him and the forest moving towards him. In conclusion, William Shakespeare's play Macbeth depicts the theme of appearance versus reality throughout the book. It is shown from many characters' perspectives and in many acts. First, this theme is illustrated when Lady Macbeth sleepwalks down the hall and talks about the murder of Duncan and Banquo while holding a candle. Second, Shakespeare describes this act when Lady Macbeth forces Macbeth to murder Duncan. And finally, the theme of Appearance versus Reality appears when Macbeth imagines Birnam Forest heading towards him. These three acts of Appearance versus Reality shown by William Shakespeare justify that Appearance versus Reality is an important theme identified throughout the play. In conclusion, Appearance versus Reality is a theme depicted in Shakespeare's play, Macbeth..