
  • Essay / The Automaticity of Social Life by John A. Bargh

    In the following article I will talk about the article “The Automaticity of Social Life” by John A. Bargh. For those of you unfamiliar with the word “automaticity,” let me give you a brief explanation. Automaticity is when you do something unconsciously or out of habit. In the article, Bargh talks about automaticity from different angles. He tells us about some experiences he has had in different types of occasions. Some social psychologists believe that automatism only produces negative results, but the article proves otherwise. Many studies have been done that prove that automaticity has a good impact on someone's life, whether conscious or unconscious. People participate in automaticity consciously and even unconsciously, social perception is something we are all a part of. When we see someone for the first time, we always judge them without even knowing them, which is called stereotyping. It’s something that comes naturally to us, we do it unconsciously. Bargh's studies show that when someone was taught rudeness, they intended to be rude, and when someone was taught politeness, they behaved politely. It also depends on what people think, whatever you put in your mind, that's what you will pursue. A lot of things you do, a lot of choices you make, social life has had an impact on that. Your family, your partner, your friends even your environment have had an impact. Even if we don't realize how much all of these things impact our lives, they do. Everything around us influences us; even a simple television show can have an impact in our lives. An extremely important development in the history of psychology was the discovery of mirror neurons. The mirror neuron is a neuron that fires both when a person watches an action...... middle of paper ...... the discovery was that of mirror neurons, mirror neurons are also present in primates. These neurons become active when someone looks at something and when they perform the same action. This is important because it shows us that when people do something, they feel it too. Not only when they see it happening, but when they do the same thing themselves. Often we see people show off how rude they are and when we do, after a while we start to realize how mean we were. This article simply proves that everything around us influences our psychological and behavioral development. This proves how connected our minds are to the social world. We can even say to ourselves when we change the group of people we hang out with; we also tend to start acting like them. These are little things that we might not notice until we actually start paying attention to them...