
  • Essay / NRA Gun Control Legislation - 1474

    NRA Gun Control Legislation By 2003, firearms are expected to cause the most of injury-related deaths in the United States, surpassing even automobile accidents. Poll after poll has found that most Americans support stricter gun control laws. Five recent suburban school shootings have demonstrated that when guns and children mix, tragedy results. Yet gun control legislation remains stalled. The battle for stricter gun control laws has not been without victories. In 1968, Congress passed the Gun Control Act following the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr., President John F. Kennedy, and Senator Robert Kennedy. The law imposed stricter licensing requirements, prohibited the sale of handguns to out-of-state residents, and prohibited the sale of mail-order guns and the importation of guns that are not " adapted or easily adaptable for sporting purposes. The Tackling Crime Act of 1984 lengthened mandatory minimum sentences for those who carry and use armor-piercing bullets to commit violent crimes. In 1993, the Brady Bill was approved by Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. The law, named for James Brady, who was shot and paralyzed in the 1981 assassination attempt on President Reagan, requires a five-day waiting period for purchasing handguns. The 1994 "assault weapons" ban, passed despite a massive campaign by the National Rifle Association (NRA), banned nineteen assault-style weapons, including the Street Sweeper, a 12-gauge shotgun that can be fully discharged in three seconds. The ban also included many semi-automatic firearms. The NRA's attempt to repeal the law was blocked in 1995, with the explosion of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, which killed 168 people...... middle of paper ...... owner of the weapon may be required before the gun will fire; another technology would allow an owner to activate and deactivate their weapon via a remote control. If Section 113 becomes law, it would be much more difficult for children and young adults under the age of eighteen to shoot their parents', relatives', or friends' guns. New Jersey's S.113 is currently sitting in the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee - there are not enough votes to move the bill out of committee. Although the NRA has several million members and lots of money, polls show it is in the minority. see. The fact that they helped prevent the passage of federal and state laws that would encourage more gun control laws shows that the NRA's minority is making itself heard. If the majority becomes half as loud, tragedies like school shootings can be avoided in the future..