
  • Essay / Structural Racism Essay - 734

    I have helped in this business and through it I have witnessed what it brings to the real estate company. I see how much harder he has to work than his white colleagues. Yet all his hard work was not and I would argue still is not appreciated, simply for the simple fact that he is black. I've seen people who were white, who he guided into the real estate industry, get promoted only after a few months. And after all the money, time and effort he put into the company, he only received the title of co-director after seven years, which is a slap in the face to me. Although he managed to rise to a higher position and become the first black man to co-head one of the company's offices, he would never achieve ownership or co-ownership of that company. This makes it structural racism because he was oppressed by the company for several years and only able to progress after seven years, while his white colleagues were able to progress in less than a year, with less effort. that he deployed.