
  • Essay / The First Amendment - 1185

    The First AmendmentThe 1st Amendment prohibits Congress from enacting laws that would regulate speech or the press before publication or punish after publication. Many states have repeatedly passed laws that conflict with the freedoms guaranteed by the 1st Amendment. However, broadcasting has always been considered a special exemption from free speech laws for two reasons. 1) the most important reason is the scarcity of spectrum and 2) is the persuasive power of the medium. Because radio and television come into the home and can be heard or seen by children without supervision, the government feels a special obligation to protect the American people. As Herbert Hoover said, “double them.” , wired and cable communications. To ensure the orderly development and operation of broadcasting services, ensuring prompt and efficient telegraph and telephone service nationally and globally. Individual radio and television stations are responsible for selecting everything they broadcast. Stations are responsible for selecting their entertainment programming, as well as their programming regarding local issues, current affairs, public affairs, religion, sporting events and other topics. They also decide how their programs will be broadcast and whether they should edit or reschedule the material for broadcast. In 1987, the FCC responded to public complaints by adopting measures to restrict the use of explicit language about sex and bodily functions in broadcast media. Station operators voluntarily adhere to a code, designed by the medium of paper......For Americans, the right to express oneself is a valuable right. Americans do not hesitate to criticize officials as important as the president and as banal as the garbage collector. A free press, as guaranteed by the First Amendment, plays a watchdog role in a democratic society: it provides citizens with the information they need to exercise independent judgment in the election of public officials. A free press is therefore an important element of a democratic society; it allows people to make informed choices. However, when interests conflict as is often the case, when the message is hateful, insulting or embarrassing, when one person's freedom of expression begins to affect the rights of others, it becomes very difficult to render a judgment. The FCC finds itself in a very precarious position between violating the First Amendment and protecting the citizens of the United States..