
  • Essay / Persuasive Essay on Racism - 706

    Racism didn't come out of nowhere, it was taught. By the time a baby becomes a toddler, he or she begins to recognize color differences. Teachers teach equality and do not care about difference and live equally. Unfortunately, it's not just schools that influence children; because schools teach equality and parents can also raise them differently. For example, if the teacher teaches that two plus two equals four. Then the child comes home and the parent teaches that two plus two equals a fish, so the child will most likely listen to the parents. By constantly reminding the child of this, he begins to live according to the words he was taught. Making this society the shame it has become today. Historians have scientifically confirmed that all humans have familiar descent. So what's the point of treating someone differently based on their skin, intelligence, or beauty? It is blasphemy to the human race and to our entire presence. Will this controversy ever end? Raising future generations in this disgusting environment is the poison that will keep the world living in the same state forever.