
  • Essay / The power of- 597

    “He thought – as his hand moved rapidly – ​​what power there was in words; later, for the one who heard them, but first for the one who found them; a healing power, a solution, like the breaking of a barrier. (Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead) “have the power to deceive, elevate, communicate, or penalize someone depending on how it is used. A silenced individual has the power to influence the way things are done in society. Words can be used to say things to a person in order to deceive them so that they don't even realize that someone is trying to deceive them. “In other words, it’s not the medium that matters, but the message. (p. 65 The Lost Art of Reading) » The messages many advertisements convey are different from what they say. They are allowed to distort facts to deceive consumers, as there are many examples given in UnSpun of how deception has been used in advertising for years. They use positive words and happy families to make you feel good when you see the ad, even though it is a pill for depression. Words have the power to change the way people see the world. They may view it as fair or view themselves as unhappy and feel the need to even out their luck by taking someone else's pleasures in life. “It is the word by which the depraved steal the virtue of the good, by which fools steal the wisdom of the wise. (p. 97, Anthem) » They see life as unfair to some people who want to be smarter or nicer and try to ruin their good fortune in life. They believe that everyone should share their misfortunes and go through good and bad times as a community. In Anthem, corporations refer to themselves as one person and individuals refer to each other as "us", thereby losing all cultural diversity. Words are universal; they are used in all cultures and spoken in all languages. They can be used to express how you feel or to describe what you see. Many people use words to predict their actions, but many will say that their actions can never achieve things. During their life, each individual will be confronted with many broken promises from themselves and others. Most people have a gregarious side and enjoy communicating with others. =They like to share their thoughts so as not to keep their emotions bottled up and when people are silenced, emotions build up inside..