
  • Essay / Guns don't kill people. People kill people. - 685

    There has been so much controversy and debate lately over whether we, the American people, should have the right to own and use firearms. In the United States Constitution, the Second Amendment states: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” » (1) Many people would argue about the merits of this amendment, even though it clearly states that the people of the United States of America have the right to own and use their weapons and that this right should not be not be raped or raped. violated. Citizens of the United States have the right to use their firearms for protection as well as recreation. The Texas State Constitution also states that we have the right to bear arms. Article I - Bill of Rights, Section 23. Right to keep and bear. weapons. “Every citizen has the right to keep and bear arms for the legitimate defense of himself or the State; but the legislative power has the power, by law, to regulate the carrying of arms, with a view to preventing crime. » (2) The Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Texas give us the right to keep and bear arms. Some citizens still believe that if we made guns illegal, criminal activity and shootings might exist, but either way. Honest criminals will be criminals whether or not it is illegal to own or possess a firearm. Therefore, stricter gun control laws are not the solution. Will stricter gun control laws reduce crime rates? With gun laws, the crime rate will go down. This is obviously not the case. Let's look at the crime rate in Washington DC for example. ) Texas State Constitution, Article 1, Section 23 (3) Carliner, Leah and Smith, Meg. “A History of DC Gun Ban.” Washington Post, June 26, 2008. (4) Singer, Linda (District Attorney General). of Columbia) Legal Brief 07-290: “District of Columbia and Adrian M. Fenty, Mayor of the District of Columbia, Petitioners, v. Dick Anthony Heller, defendant. To the Supreme Court of the United States." January 4, 2008.(5) Dataset: "Uniform Crime Reporting Program, District of Columbia, 1960-2008." Federal Bureau of Investigation, Justice Information Services Division Data provided to Just Facts, June 15, 2010. (6) Gius, Mark. “Gun Ownership and the Gun Control Index.” Atlantic Economic Journal 36 (2008): 497-498 MasterFILE Premier, October 30, 2013. Kessler, Glenn. : “NRA’s claim Joe Biden’s advice on guns is illegal” The Washington Post February 25, 2013. O.