
  • Essay / The Horror of Child Soldiers - 1270

    All over the world, especially in third world countries, children are forced to fight in wars and conflicts they did not start and in which they do not need to fight. , it is estimated that more than 300,000 children are recruited into armies and militias around the world (Kaplan). These children are called child soldiers. A child soldier is a person enrolled in an army or militia who is under the age of eighteen. (11 facts). They are recruited into militaries for many different reasons and used for many different tasks. There are a number of countries where children are forced to fight, such as Colombia, Myanmar, Iraq and many others (11 Facts/Kaplan). Children should not be forced to become soldiers in war because it puts their lives in danger. Children are forced to commit and witness acts that result in serious and permanent psychological damage, and are mistreated in armies. Many people around the world find their lives in danger every day. Child soldiers are one of these people, but they are children to live with. Their life is a battle for survival, and this lifestyle is not necessary for children. Armies recruit children because it is military genius. Children are impressionable, trusting and vulnerable. These traits allow commanders to easily turn children into perfect killing machines (Kaplan). Children come into the military too young to have their own morals, so the military can make them immoral (Kaplan). When they have no morals, the military can use them to do some of their dirty work, like killing. When children are forced to kill in a war zone, their lives are put in danger. It's a two-sided war and there are people who are fighting back. This puts the lives of many people, including children, in the middle of the newspaper...... March 11, 2014. “Reintegration of former child soldier from Burundi - Heartland Alliance. » Reintegration of former child soldiers from Burundi - Heartland Alliance. Heartland Alliance International, nd Web. March 12, 2014. Chelala, Caesar. “The Forgotten Fate of the Combat Soldier Girl.” Egypt Daily News RSS. DNE, November 16, 2013. Web. March 12, 2014. “Child soldiers.” Rescue and support for refugees. IRC, nd Web. March 11, 2014. Kaplan, Eben. “Child soldiers around the world”. Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations, December 2, 2005. Web. March 9, 2014. “Life after death: helping former child soldiers regain their integrity.” » HSPH News. Harvard, Fall 2011. Web. April 2, 2014. “Stolen children turn into terrifying killers. » CNN. Cable News Network, February 12, 2007. Web. March 11, 2014. “The world’s forgotten conflict.” Child of war. War Child, March 24, 2014. Web. April 2. 2014.