
  • Essay / Evaluating the conduct of business in the mining industry

    The conduct of business within the mining industries has changed over time as the rapid demand for a constant supply of raw and refined materials has increased. Due to such demand, the mining industry and its commercial activities require low-cost, highly skilled labor that only resource-rich developing countries have to offer, as most of these countries do not have legal regulations on labor services. This leads to problems such as worker exploitation with emphasis on the dignity principle, power inequality according to the fairness principle and corruption according to the citizenship principle of the Global Business Standard codex. (Paine et al. 2005). The other view however is that foreign companies within the mining industry, and particularly in developing countries, can act as an instrument of economic growth for the nation and raise the standard of living of employees, while providing a competitive advantage through readily available labor to the business. (Campbell 2010) Finally, it is about applying basic criteria for doing business through the principles of the GBSC according to which companies continue to source their workforce from developing countries while by enforcing a higher ethical code of conduct towards their employees. One of the major problems of the modern mining industry is maintaining its integrity and participating in ethical competition in the global market, which requires discrimination for any acts of corruption. Corrupt actions defined by AAMIG President Bill Turner: “Corruption is payment for something to which you are not legally entitled.” Corruption comes in multiple characteristics and forms, such as facilitation payment. Conversely, in order to remain competitive in the global mining market, every company must have an efficient workforce, i.e. middle of paper......development in Africa : redefining the roles and responsibilities of public and private sector stakeholders in the mining sector”, Resources Policy, vol. 37, no. 2, pp.138-43, accessed May 12, 2014, ScienceDirectdatabase, DOI 10.1016/j.resourpol.2011.05.002 Cragg, W & Greenbaum, A 2002, “Reasoning about responsibilities: mining company executives on what companies owe stakeholders”, Journal of Business Ethics, vol.39, no. 3, pp.319-35, accessed May 20, 2014, JSTOR database. McEwen, D Paul, 2011 “Fraud and corruption in the mining and metals Industry” in Scott, H Graham, Mining Law, Paper 1.1 Ernst & Young LLP, Vancouver, British Columbia, accessed May 19, 2014 https://www., S 2013, “The missing ethics of mining”, Ethics & International Affairs, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 3-17, accessed May 20, 2014, Academic OneFile database, DOI: 10.1017/S0892679412000731.