
  • Essay / Influence of Nat Turner - 1012

    Nat Turner was an ordinary slave in his early youth, who later accomplished very influential feats for other slaves to want to follow. He was the leader of the largest slave rebellion in American history. Nat Turner was a slave who had many masters throughout his life. He had an immense amount of knowledge for being a slave. This helped him lead the largest and most successful slave rebellion ever seen in U.S. history. He was known as a prophet of God sent to end slavery. His story was heard by slaves throughout the South who had begun to agree with Turner and rebel against their masters themselves. At that time, starting a rebellion was even considered extremely difficult; provoking a rebellion of this magnitude was considered impossible. Around this time, abolitionists were beginning to emerge widely in the North. They had founded an abolitionist party, and as African Americans came to this knowledge, they also began to question more frequently why they were not free. The reason an ordinary slave like Nat Turner was able to form a slave rebellion in the South was because of his training and the religious influence he had on other slaves. As a slave, Nat Turner had been a great leader in the world. in the eyes of other slaves and he was considered a superior power to the rest of the slaves. This could be due to the high education he received from his masters. “His master, Benjamin Turner, owned a plantation in Southampton County, Virginia, and was a kind and caring man. His slaves enjoyed considerable freedom and Turner led a somewhat privileged life on the plantation, receiving a rudimentary education and playing with...... middle of paper...... i can't think of what would happen if he failed because he believed he was the one who would end slavery. This was his downfall because he did not develop a strategy to get back up if he had lost. Even though Turner's rebellion failed, that doesn't mean he failed to end slavery. His rebellion had aroused great fear of slavery and its power. “The Virginia legislature even discussed the possibility of phasing out slavery after Turner's Rebellion, with many believing that the institution of slavery was not worth living for fear to be murdered in their beds. » (ABC-Clio) Turner had sowed enough fear in the South that they would discuss the global end of slavery. Although this did not happen, he made his revolt known to other slaves. This caused slaves to rise up against their own masters or run away from them..