
  • Essay / The Negative Impact of Pornography on Behavior

    Studies have shown that pornography has several significant effects on an individual. A 2000 study by Oddone-Paolucci, Genuis, and Violato revealed information on the correlation between pornography consumption and behavior (Oddone-Paolucci et al., 2000). Of 12,323 people, eighty-five percent came from the United States, eleven percent from Canada, and two studies were carried out in Europe (Oddone-Paolucci et al., 2000). Overall, the analysis of the results showed "a 31% increase in the risk of sexual deviance, a 22% increase in the risk of sexual perpetration, a 20% increase in the risk of experiencing negative intimate relationships and a 20% increase in risk of sexual violence. Thirty-one percent increase in risk of believing rape myths. (Oddone-Paolucci et al., 2000). The term “rape myth” is defined as “the beliefs of one or more people regarding the act of rape, rapists, and rape victims” (Oddone-Paolucci et al., 2000). It also means that men who have rape myths are less understanding of rape victims and are less likely to convict a rapist if they serve on a jury (Oddone-Paolucci et al., 2000). Women who accept the rape myth are less likely to report a rape crime or support rape victims (Oddone-Paolucci et al., 2000). Pornography has a negative influence on rape myth acceptance. Additionally, Allen, D'Alessio, and Emmers-Sommer, to show the connection between pornography and sex offenders, conducted thirteen studies (Allen et al., 2000). Factors in the studies included “(a) frequency of pornography use, (b) age of first exposure, (c) degree to which pornography was a direct prelude to a sexual act, and (d ) the degree of sexual arousal evoked by the sexually explicit material. (Allen et al., 20...... middle of article ......sion:Sexually explicit content affects everyone. Unfortunately, it is not an easy problem to solve. There There are several things that need to be done to protect the individual, marriage and young people from the abuse of pornographic material. First, social norms should be changed so that individuals are not so tolerant of sexually explicit material. offensive on the Internet, and the public should be informed of the risks of consuming pornography. In addition, the government should enforce the laws that already exist on age limits for viewing pornographic material and keep this content restricted. , parenting methods should change so that parents can talk to their children about the dangers of pornography before they are exposed to it. In conclusion, although pornography may never be eliminated, society should become more. aware of the effects and consequences of exposure..