
  • Essay / Troubled Participation - 1189

    Does participation in athletics keep adolescents from getting into trouble? “I have failed time and time again in my life and that is why I succeed,” a quote from Michael Jordan. Everyone knows someone who has ruined their life through crime, drugs, and other bad behavior. Just because they've done something they're not proud of doesn't mean their life is over, there are other things they can do to keep them away from it. A bad choice does not mean that you are a bad person or that there is no hope for you. There are other positive ways to spend your time. There have been teenagers who have done something they are not proud of, but to avoid doing something negative again or not at all, try something positive. Join one of your high school sports teams, it will bring something positive into your life and guide you on the right path, away from trouble. There are many reasons why teenagers get into trouble. Many things affect your behavior. Many teenagers living in single-parent families or whose parents work a lot get into trouble (Margolis). They are left unsupervised and have too much free time. Too much free time gives teenagers plenty of opportunities to get into trouble (Margolis). When teenagers have free time, they get bored and want to do something to occupy their time. Sometimes they resort to negative means, like gangs. Teenagers need a positive idol or someone they can look up to (Thomas). When a police officer was asked about juvenile delinquency, he responded, “Adolescents who lack family support or support in general cause juvenile delinquency” (Margolis). Teenagers tend to look up to their parents and if they set a bad example, their children tend to follow them. follow their footsteps. All teenagers need a way to escape from their daily problems (Wall). Many ... middle of paper ... examples of aerobic exercises that work your heart and deliver oxygen to your muscles, ultimately getting you in shape (Murphy). Overall, athletics has many benefits for teens, not only keeping them out of trouble, but doing many other things that help teens significantly. Now when you see this person or you are this person who is going in the wrong direction with his life and getting into trouble. You can do something about it; tell them that doing anything won't help them achieve their goals. You can tell them that athletics can help you continue in the right direction. Athletics can help change a life. Even if you don't work well with others, there are sports in which you work more with yourself, so there is no reason for you not to play. Sport is a positive way to get rid of negative emotions and protect yourself or others from trouble..