
  • Essay / Essay on The Grapes of Wrath: Steinbeck's Themes of Strength...

    Themes of Strength and Sacrifice in The Grapes of Wrath, In Steinbeck's novel, The Grapes of Wrath, Ma Joad and Rose of Sharon graphically depict the themes of strength and sacrifice. They are universal characters, people who constitute the social fabric of each nation. Through them, we understand the need for unity and we feel the desperation of the billions of workers who struggle every day just to survive. Throughout the story, Ma is a model of the strength of the human spirit. For example, Steinbeck said of her, "if she influenced the family to tremble, and if she ever really hesitated deeply or became desperate, the family would collapse, the family will to function would disappear." She is the foundation on which the rest of the family rests. Just like when a single drizzle of dye is poured into a glass of water and dispersed everywhere, its strength permeates the rest of the family, infusing them with its power. Also, when Wilson's car breaks down and Pa offers to part ways just for a short time until the car is repaired, she threatens him with a jack handle. She knows that all they have in the world is each other and that without each other to hold on to, they have nothing. There is a saying "there is comfort in numbers", but in this case, "comfort" is replaced by survival. Additionally, near the end of the book, when the boxcars have flooded and it seems all hope has been lost, Ma leads the family to higher ground. Despite the despair, she feels she overcomes it to do what needs to be done to ensure they survive and live another day. His strength gives him the power to rise above the middle of paper of the people they exploit. They are in fact inferior to those they consider subordinate.1. Your thesis statement appears at the beginning of your article. Thesis statements are usually found at the end of the introductory paragraph.2. Be sure to cite your quotes with the author's name and the page number on which the exact quote is found. “Blah” (Steinbeck 13).3. You have a good concluding paragraph. You combine the strength of the characters and apply it to today's world.4. Overall, you have a solid article, just be sure to support your writing with quotes from the novel. You have a good quote, but a quote to support the paragraph on the Rose of Sharon would have strengthened your article..