
  • Essay / Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting: President...

    According to Blitzer's rhetorical situation, the main elements of a speech are seeking an appropriate response, a listening audience, constraints, and a response rhetoric. (Bitzer, 1968) The speech I used to illustrate Bitzer's rhetorical situation was President Obama's speech on the Connecticut shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The school shooting occurred on December 14, 2012. A twenty-year-old man named Adam Lanza shot and killed twenty-six people and then committed suicide; Adam Lanza killed twenty children and six adults. In this speech, I will tell you about Obama's demand, his audience, his constraints and his appropriate response. In Obama's speech about the Sandy Hook school shooting, the demand that Obama spoke about was the tragedy of the school shooting. In his speech, he explains how he reacts as a parent and not as president. Obama also talks about how the children had their lives ahead of them. He basically said that children were going to become something in life; some were going to get married, and others were going...